
Luxion Announces Intended Offer to Purchase Digizuite A/S

Costa Mesa, California, 七月 5, 2023 - KeyShot parent company Luxion Group ApS announced an intended offer to purchase Digizuite A/S, a Digital Asset Management (DAM) vendor that helps global companie …

NEW: KeyShot 2023.2 Brings Workflow Improvements and Feature Updates

Costa Mesa, California, 6月 27, 2023 - In the continual pursuit of excellence, we’re excited to bring you new quality and feature upgrades in KeyShot 2023.2. Check it ou …

NEW: KeyShot 2023 Release Boosts Your Workflow, Brings Helpful Updates

Costa Mesa, California, 三月 14, 2023 - KeyShot 2023 brings a boatload of improvements, helping you work faster and collaborate more easily with your stakeholders. Check out what’ …

KeyVR 11.2 Improve Performance, Provide More Flexibility

Costa Mesa, California, 2月 8, 2023 - We’re excited to bring you KeyVR 11.2, which offers features requested by the community, along with bug fixes and quality improvements. Here’s what’s new in …

Luxion Releases KeyShot 11.3 – Featuring Full Apple Silicon Support, Serious Speed Gains, and More

Costa Mesa, California, 11月 1, 2022 - As part of our continued efforts to provide the best 3D rendering software, we’ve released KeyShot 11.3. This point release of  …

Luxion发布KeyShot 11.2 - 包括苹果硅支持、工作流功能和改进。

加州科斯塔梅萨,2022年6月29日 - 先进的渲染和照明技术的领先开发商和KeyShot®的制造商,3D rendering 和动画的行业标准,今天一个...

Luxion发布KeyShot 11


Luxion公司发布KeyVR更新,引入增强现实技术并将其应用于其他领域。KeyVR Connect


Luxion发布KeyShot 10.2

2021年6月2日,加利福尼亚州塔斯廷 - Luxion是先进的渲染和照明技术的领先开发商,也是KeyShot®的制造商,KeyShot®是第一个实时光线追踪和全局照明程序。

Luxion任命Claus Thorsgaard为新任CEO

奥胡斯|2021年5月5日 -3D rendering 产品设计软件的全球领导者Luxion今天宣布任命Claus Thorsgaard为Luxion的CEO。Claus Thorsgaard在加入Luxion之前,曾在中国工作过。