KeyShot Luminaries

The place for KeyShot fans to learn and grow

Learn the Latest

Consult with KeyShot artists, learn new techniques and expand your skills.

Grow Your Network

Connect with other KeyShot experts and search for new opportunities.

Workshop Your Work

Get feedback from members of the KeyShot community, including KeyShot staff.

Be Inspired

See amazing KeyShot visuals from all over the world and across different industries.

Share Your Ideas

Post feature requests, vote on new features, and get your ideas heard by the product team.

Complete Luminaries challenges and earn rewards such as:

A Free Year of KeyShot
Free KeyShot Swag
Your Work Featured

How it Works

Membership is open to all KeyShot users. And it’s easy to get started!

Sign in using your KeyShot Cloud Account

Participate in discussions with others

Complete daily or weekly challenges to earn points

Redeem points for awards like swag, licenses, and more

Make your renderings shine